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Type | Ref. | Name | Color | QTY |
LEGO | 3003 | Brick 2 x 2 | 1 x 3 x 1 x 2 x | 7 |
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Parents and Teachers, get in touch here:
Type | Ref. | Name | Color | QTY |
LEGO | 3003 | Brick 2 x 2 | 1 x 3 x 1 x 2 x | 7 |
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©2025 MakerBrane
Hey! Here is Sabine, MakerBrane’s co-founder. You are our rock star! Great to see how amazing stuff could be done with our newborn builder 🙂 I am reaching out to power creatives to better understand who they are and if our small team is heading in the good direction product wise. Can you answer some questions by email? We can use google translate based on your first language. Your feedback means a lot to us. Thank you for your support.