So… I’ve got good news – MY DREAM HOUSE IS DONE! Now you can buy it! Also, maybe I would like to do a garden or a roof to the house – it’s not easy to do a roof. To see house progress go to danielyte’s account and press like, follow and FAVOURITE button on my projects. If you buy my house, maybe I go to yours account to see your projects and like some of them – buy my house right now, because this deal is not for long time! 🙂 😉
Used Categories:
Used Colors:
Type | Ref. | Name | Color | QTY |
Furniture | loungeChair | lounge Chair | 1 x | 1 |
Furniture | loungeSofa | lounge Sofa | 1 x | 1 |
Furniture | cabinetTelevisionDoors | cabinet Television Doors | 1 x | 1 |
Furniture | televisionModern | television Modern | 1 x | 1 |
Furniture | speaker | speaker | 2 x | 2 |
Furniture | bookcaseClosedWide | bookcase Closed Wide | 1 x | 1 |
sold! well done, liked and added to my favorites. Keep on building!
And let’s say it’s a roof top 😉
thanks sabounim so much 🙂